Sal Nouvèl

Shoutout to the amazing students from Sarah T. Reed High! They've just made New Orleans proud by winning the first-place prize for the prestigious Aspen Challenge and earning a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Aspen, Colorado!
New Orleans is renowned for its incredible food, vibrant music scene, and unforgettable parties like Mardi Gras. But what often goes unnoticed is the significant amount of plastic waste generated in our city.
These talented and forward-thinking students have come up with an ingenious solution to tackle this issue head-on. They want to transform the tons of plastic and Mardi Gras beads that are wasted every year into upcycled instrument mouthpieces for the band and mouthguards for the football team!
Imagine the harmonious melodies that will flow from these recycled mouthpieces and the added protection they'll provide for our athletes! By turning waste into music and safety gear, these young innovators are proving that sustainability and creativity go hand in hand.
We applaud their dedication, ingenuity, and commitment to making a positive change in our community. Let's support these students as they showcase their incredible idea and inspire others to join the recycling revolution!
#ReedHighProud #AspenChallengeWinners #NOLAInnovators #RecyclingRevolution #TurningWasteIntoMusic #CreatingChange #InspiringYouth #RE2ED